upper abdominal pain for two months, hurts to use muscles as in sit ups, twisting or turning and lifting and pain sensitivity felt when area is pressed on.

by Barb

upper abdominal pain for two months, hurts to use muscles as in sit ups, twisting or turning and lifting and pain sensitivity felt when area is pressed on.

My blood pressure has suddenly risen to 170/96 and higher.. was always 130/80 before. Just woke up one day, unable to get out of bed due to pain, unable to turn over... No injury.

Thought it was plueritus. It subsided after 5 days,so I could move around, but hurts to jog and do other activities.

But the pain and tenderness remained. Who knows anything? Can't get in for a CT scan for 2 weeks. Frustrated.

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Dec 10, 2016
Upper abdominal pain with raised blood pressure
by: Edema O. MD

Dear Barb,

For how long now has this upper abdominal pain being going on for? Is this a dull ache or would you describe it like a sharp stabbing pain? Does it spread to your back? Is it there always or only when you move as you described above?

Is there anything else that you have noticed to make this pain worse – like eating or moving other than pressure on the site?

Have you had any pain like this in the past?

Do you suffer with any ongoing medical conditions? What medications are you on, if you take regular medications? What about allergies, if any?

From the information you provided above, it would be difficult to be able to guess what the cause of your upper abdominal pain could be. But because you described this pain as being made worse by direct pressure to your abdomen, I would think that we need to exclude conditions like:
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Epigastric hernia
  • Peptic ulcer disease and if this pain only started a few days ago, we need to exclude
  • Pancreatitis!

Regarding your suddenly raised blood pressure, I am not particularly worried, because sudden severe pain would raise anyone's BP. If your pain is better, repeat it and see what it is. I would only be concerned if it is persistently above 140/90mmHg.

Please try see your doctor and if this pain is worsening, please do not wait for two weeks for Ct scan … go straight to ER so that you can have a physical examination, some blood works and if they suspect that your story sounds like acute pancreatitis or something serious, they could do a Ct scan for you immediately.

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