lower right side abdominal pain

by A

for the last week i have been hurting on and off in the lower part of my abdominal area. it started off as a sharp pain on my lower right side then it became like harsh menstrual cramps and burning and I am just really beyond tired it sometimes even
hurt my back. When I am in pain I can barely move it is keeping me confined to the bed. What is worrying me most about it is that I have had pelvic inflammatory disease twice and that also I have two small kids and if this is something serious i need to get it handled as quickly as possible. Give me the best advice or let
me know whether or not i should go to the emergency room and also i would like to know if there are any home remedies if it doesn't sound to serious. I am also dealing with achy
joints and bones also.

Biliary colic or gallbladder pain here

Hi A.

With the story of previous pelvic inflammation and pain burning and spreading to your back, I agree with you that it is important that another or perhaps persisting infection in your pelvis is excluded. A visit to the ER is highly advised and hopefully, they can properly examine you and take swabs from inside to test, some blood tests as well and then take things from there. That is the best advice and the surest thing to do. What do you think?
But know that even if this is due to a pelvic infection, with the right antibiotics and length of treatment, it is a curable situation, baring re-infection.
Please do not hesitate to update us how things went and thanks again for visiting us here at abdopain.com.

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Feb 03, 2013
by: Anonymous

I'm 25 yrs and I'm 16 weeks pregnant, I started having this strange pain on d lower part of my right abdomen but d pain has been mild and I have to press on the spot to feel the pain. The pain has lasted for three weeks and the only symptoms I have been having is infrequent stooling and when I stool its hard not until today that I had a stomache upset and had a loose stool and I felt relief afterwards, I tot it was all gone but after about 20minutes the pain sufaced again.

Jan 19, 2013
by: Kathlee

Hi..I am a 54 yr. old female and have been expriencing mid flank back pain that wraps around to the mid and lower part of my abdomen...i have also been experiencing naseaua, and a pulling sensation in my pelvic area....the pain goes from a 4 to 7 level...yesterday had very little pain and then today 4-5 level pain...i have been diagnosed with ibs but this pain seems different...please advise...thank you.

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