by Denton Q
(Pleasant Grove, Ut)
I'm a 25 year old male. I'm currently having severe upper left abdominal pain for 5 months. I've had my gull bladder out in 1-2011 which a test showed it was functioning only 13% and anything I ate caused an attack. I also had a right kidney stone removed in 4-2011 which took two surgeries to remove the 5mm stone due to tearing my urethra which had alot of scar tissue and I had to have stents put in to repair it. I've had this upper left pain since I had GB problems and I'm still it. It is now interupting my job and life.
While dealing with the stone I was on pain meds and antibiotics so it wasn't as bad. My current Blood work for liver, pancreas, are normal, Dr says it's not another stone. My white blood cells are high. I've had a normal colonoscopy after GB surgery and an EGD before my GB was removed which was normal. I was tested for ulcers that was normal. I vommit spontaneously with the pain sometimes I vommit bile and have I diarrhea alot. I am light smoker. No allergies to meds. I take medication daily.(lexapro, colonapin, priloset) (lortab / phenergan on a need bases) My health issue are causing me depression. I do have a lower back problem which I've put aside until I get this taken care of. Otherwise I'm anormal health young guy.