Extreme abdominal pain, more sesitive on right side, for a month!

by amanda
(washougal, washington)

My name is Amanda, I am 22 and I had a c-section 7 months ago. Since then I have been dealing with constipation that makes me bawl my head off from the pain. It was happening once or twice a month and now for the past month I have been having constant pain. It comes in waves from worse to ok... but the pain is never actually going away. It's affecting my everyday life :( It's more sensitive on the right side, and any pressure hurts. Sometimes when I eat it feels a little better but then comes right back and worse. I have grainy poo or diarrhea and its light brown mostly and bad gas. I also have a lot of heart burn. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist or something like that BUT it's not for another 2 weeks. I don't know if I can make it. Should I got to the ER or try to hold out?

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Nov 17, 2013
Go to er ASAP
by: Anonymous

I i had exact symptoms after my 1st c section in2008. Ended up in er and was sent home twice with laxatives. X-rays showed extreme constipation. After strong laxatives and enema I still could not pass almost any stool. Back in er with extreme pain they did ct scan found large pocket of infection blocking my bowels between my colon and uterus. I was hospitalized for just over a week with pain meds and drip antibiotics. I was lucky to not die from this. Ask for ct scan and say you suspect infection mine was from being exposed during my csection. I'm fine today and have since had one more child. Best of luck to you please be insistant that you get checked for this...

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