Right Pelvic Pain - Ongoing Possible Adhesions/Bowel plus Endo

by Julie Hosler
(Brighton - Sussex -UK)

I am a month away from 52. Female with no children. I have in the past probably 20 years ago suffered an ectopic pregnancy which had to be terminated and previous to that a termination when i was approximately 19. previous to the ectopic i had a coil fitted which
turned around and embedded itself into my womb and had to be removed under emergency. several years later i suffered a rape ordeal and forensics found the attacker had a sexual infection, i never found out what exactly it was,although i do wonder if it was clymadia as years after that i suffered problems with acute pain in my pelvis which resulted in me having a kinked tube removed then another operation to remove the remaining one which was also blocked.

Tests reveal endometriosis was found in the remaining tube removed otherwise pelvis was clear.

Pain returned months after that and I changed consultants and to another hospital in the belief the new consultant was more cluded up with endometriosis and possible adhesions. After scans i then underwent another operation in the form of hysteroscopy and laproscopy (three incisions in my right pelvis and around belly button and camera. It was found I had fairly extensive endometriosis though abundently in the left side! As much was removed as possible apparently my fallopian tube stump was stuck to my bowel on one side and my ovary on the other. Two months after that operation the pain returned again and although i was still menstruating although this was becoming erratic due to pre menopausal symptoms I was in pain for two and a half to three weeks each month with just one weeks relief a few days after last period.

Two years down the line i am getting increasing right pelvic pain and recent visit to consultant who originally indicated i should try Zoladex injections to close down my ovaries and synthetic HRT Tibolone (low oestrogen as not to increase endo) i tried this for four months to see if it was endometriosis still causing problems or adhesions. The conclusion to this date is adhesion pain on right side which often moves round hip to lower back causing discomfort. Seems a bit worse when i sit in low chairs where my pelvis bends to sit and worse after meals. Often have to place hot water bottle on stomach/pelvis plus take co-drydamol pain relief and fybogel merbervine to relieve subsequent constipation caused by painkillers plus colpermin and zoladex sleeping tablets 7.5.

I am always woken up often at 5am by pelvic pain and twist and turn in my bed pulling my knees up to my chest to try and ease discomfort and pain. It feels like when my bowels or bladder full when i awake it is pulling on something inside not nice! When i sit (even as i type this i have to move frequently as i get a nasty ache and pulling/pinching in hip right pelvis area.

Been referred for Colonscopy to see if adhesions narrowing bowel which often feels kinked, or check for Diverculitis or other problems! however GP informed me consultants unlikely to want to operate due to risk of further adhesions Feel trapped in pain and discomfort desperately searching for answers that don't seem to be out there, will this ever end and i get my life back.
Unable to work at present as pain fluctates wildly and often feel a bit sickly with ongoing pain. Strangely walking upright is the most comfortable position for me.

So i try to walk every day which is good for my spirits too but get tired quickly and often have to nip in bush for urination as its uncomfortable to have fullish bladder.

I an asthmatic but although use ventolin and seretide not been too much of a problem.

Obviously this makes me anxious and a bit depressed so if you have any suggestions or ideas greatly greatly appreciated.

PS cannot afford private healthcare.


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Oct 26, 2015
I thought I had worries....
by: Kdaymayday

So sorry you have to endure this. I complain about my adhesions and had more tears thinking of you and yours. You are in my prayers. At least all we sufferers have a friend in each other. God has some sense of humor. The nip in the bush got me! After 9 pregnancies there is that urgency problem. Here in America a nip in the bush means you had a bit of the drink in secret behind a bush! I'm sure that might make our worries seem better. Since its been over 40 years since I had a nip, I'm sure the headache after a few would just a d d to the existing problems. A round of prayers on the house for all!!!


Dec 12, 2013
most recent observation regarding adhesions
by: kdaymayday

Last visit to the Doctor, reviewed the MRI, Cat, colonoscopy, etc.,he has determined that yes, after 4 c sections that there is a trapped nerve trapped in the adhesions and that more and more he is finding this in women who had sterilization procedures like I did on my 5th child in conjunction with many c sections.

Prognosis - we have to have a diet rich in fiber because any "stoppage" in the colon will press on that nerve and cause the pain; 2) eliminate stress because any stress whether during day or night (dreaming) causes the bowels to constrict and that would commit the trapped nerve to respond.

I am 60. Since my generation is the one who had more c sections that any previously (some women even elected to have them to "escape" the pain of childbirth), we are the first generation that they have had concrete studies. Of course, you must have a physician diagnose this and rule out any "masses" in your legs, etc., but the rest of us will just have to live with this and manage any way we can. Going back in and trying to cut away the adhesions is dangerous because of the possibility of bowel punctures, thus ensuing peritinitis. Why put a physician through that kind of pressure, when your body tries so hard to heal itself with the "aid" of adhesions.

So unfortunately for us, better to live in silent pain.

Dec 12, 2013
endo, ectopic, and pain
by: Rhonda Walsh

I can relate to your pain and frustration. I am going to be 54 next month and I have had two ectopic pregnancies; however, my doctor saved my first tube by removing the pregnancy and through microlazersurgery (his specialty out of school) I was able to have children. I had my first child through the other tube and then I had another ectopic and lost that tube which became a stump. This was now my 3rd C-section cut, and then I had a corrective surgery because the remaining tube was distended and I wanted another child. So, I got my other child and he asked if I wanted my tube tied and since I had two boys I said no hoping to have a girl. I did. After my girl I did have my tube tied, and then pain from adhesions caused me to have another surgery in 95 another section cut where he spent 5 hours removing adhesions wrapped around my bowels. This new thing began with what I thought was a UTI. I took the antibiotics. The culture came back normal. I asked for bactroban anyhow just in case because not all infections show up on the cultures -still nothing except a yeast infection from the antibiotics. But then the most startling pain that I have ever had felt like something was inside squeezing my insides on my lower right side. I wondered if it was appendicitis, and I do have naseau. I got an appt with my gyn she had me go to have a cat with dye, and both kinds of ultra sounds. The ultra sounds killed -both of them. I have never been opened because my kids were C-sections, and so the vag ultra killed, and the pushing on me on the outside hurt. Everywhere she pushed on me just hurt. I got the results and she said that I have thickened uterine wall which she said could be from endo because I have had mastectomy 8 years ago and chemo put me into menopause so my lining should be thinner, but maybe that is just how it should be because it is not normal for me to be in menopause yet -idk, and they found that there is something wrong with the gall bladder duct. So, since I am in pain on the right side, shouldn't I deal with2 and fell asleep. I am not good in afternoon appointments. Now I have to call him and apologize and begin again with another appt. In the meantime, I could have something seriously wrong and no one seems to be addressing this and it is so frustrating. I went from working out every day to not being able to do a sit up. I can do spin class and yoga but I can't do any lifting. It is aggravating because I am missing my classes and my life is now centered around the pain and sleeping 12 hours a day.

Dec 12, 2013
adhesions and endo and some pain idk
by: Rhonda Walsh

I can relate to your pain and frustration. I am going to be 54 next month and I have had two ectopic pregnancies; however, my doctor saved my first tube by removing the pregnancy and through microlazersurgery (his specialty out of school) I was able to have children. I had my first child through the other tube and then I had another ectopic and lost that tube which became a stump. This was now my 3rd C-section cut, and then I had a corrective surgery because the remaining tube was distended and I wanted another child. So, I got my other child and he asked if I wanted my tube tied and since I had two boys I said no hoping to have a girl. I did. After my girl I did have my tube tied, and then pain from adhesions caused me to have another surgery in 95 another section cut where he spent 5 hours removing adhesions wrapped around my bowels. This new thing began with what I thought was a UTI. I took the antibiotics. The culture came back normal. I asked for bactroban anyhow just in case because not all infections show up on the cultures -still nothing except a yeast infection from the antibiotics. But then the most startling pain that I have ever had felt like something was inside squeezing my insides on my lower right side. I wondered if it was appendicitis, and I do have naseau. I got an appt with my gyn she had me go to have a cat with dye, and both kinds of ultra sounds. The ultra sounds killed -both of them. I have never been opened because my kids were C-sections, and so the vag ultra killed, and the pushing on me on the outside hurt. Everywhere she pushed on me just hurt. I got the results and she said that I have thickened uterine wall which she said could be from endo because I have had mastectomy 8 years ago and chemo put me into menopause so my lining should be thinner, but maybe that is just how it should be because it is not normal for me to be in menopause yet -idk, and they found that there is something wrong with the gall bladder duct. So, since I am in pain on the right side, shouldn't I deal with2 and fell asleep. I am not good in afternoon appointments. Now I have to call him and apologize and begin again with another appt. In the meantime, I could have something seriously wrong and no one seems to be addressing this and it is so frustrating. I went from working out every day to not being able to do a sit up. I can do spin class and yoga but I can't do any lifting. It is aggravating because I am missing my classes and my life is now centered around the pain and sleeping 12 hours a day.

Sep 03, 2012
adhesions - the new disease ?
by: kdaymayday

I really think that adhesions is really a 20th century disease. Our generation is the first to have multiple C-sections, laparascopy procedures, sterilization procedures, cauterization internally and each one of these cause scarring. In the old days, if a woman needed a c-section, I don't think many of them lived long - and if so, they did not have multiple births because of the "risk to the mother".

However, our generation, well, we thought we were pretty tough and could do anything. We were superwomen and had multiple c-sections and kept going! We even started lifting things and doing hard chores before the 6 weeks so people wouldn't say we were weak (I know I did). Now I am paying for it. The adhesions wake me in the night - I find myself wimpering and curled up in pain.

During the day I can get up and move around and try to ignore them, but the night is the hardest for me. No one really understands this disease unless you have been through it. Now I know why all the tests come back normal - it's because they can't see adhesions on sonagrams or catscans.

I have heard of one last thing to try - a wholistic practicioner has to do it - I believe it is called Mayan massage or something like that and it is just for adhesions. Please tell me if you have heard of it.

Thanks girls for the comforting words.

Sep 03, 2012
Ongoing Pain
by: Kara Wesson

OMG i have been going through so much stomach pain for years. I also had a sterillisation and was never right since. I had constant pain for five years numerous tests all came back negative. Finally it was found i had a dermoid cyst on my left ovary i had to have tubes and everything removed. Was still getting pain, all the time i think the doctors thought i was a drama queen, anyhow then ended up in hospital had gallstones and had gallbladder removed. Had a year and half with slight twinges and now for the past 6 months been in constant pain, although pain worsens 7 days after period stops! i have had to cut hours at work to half and step down a position really hard when you have a mortgage to pay. So sick of the length of time it takes to get anything done while still trying to work and look after a family. Can't eat have trouble sleeping. Got a scan in 9 days time counting the days but dont hold out much hope as had scans in past that didnt show things up. My pain is worse when sitting or laying down,, can manage standing up and walking better. So nice to rant. Anyhow going doctors today before work to see if he can give strong strong painkillers.

May 31, 2012
to julie
by: caroline

hi julie, sorry to hear about your problems but ive been in a similar situation for the last 15 years. I dont mean to frighten you , im now 42 , i had a steralisation when i was 27 and ive never been right since.I had my last op about 4 years ago , they said for 9 years that my pain was imaginary , but my gp rushed me to hospital the doctors found a mass on my left side . They said they would have to operate so i said if you go in you take everything this time , so that nothing could go wrong. When they opened me up my bowel ovarie and bladder were all stuck together. The pain that i experience now seems to be related to my bladder ie i cant seem to hold on to my urine for very long periods of time and when i do i end up in pain also when i go i only do a trickle.I have recently been back to the doctors and i am awaiting a reply on what they should do next.I cant hold down a job for the same reasons as you and cannot get any benefits for this as it is not recognised as a disability. Ive had 5 laperoscopys two hysterectomys and my pain has come back. I believe in America there is a treatment for adhesions they put some kind of spray on the scarring , i dont know if its any good though.Ihope this has helped you , please dont take no for an answer as i struggled for 9 years before anything was done.And remember YOU KNOW YOUR OWN BODY BEST

May 31, 2012
to julie
by: caroline

hi julie, sorry to hear about your problems but ive been in a similar situation for the last 15 years. I dont mean to frighten you , im now 42 , i had a steralisation when i was 27 and ive never been right since.I had my last op about 4 years ago , they said for 9 years that my pain was imaginary , but my gp rushed me to hospital the doctors found a mass on my left side . They said they would have to operate so i said if you go in you take everything this time , so that nothing could go wrong. When they opened me up my bowel ovarie and bladder were all stuck together. The pain that i experience now seems to be related to my bladder ie i cant seem to hold on to my urine for very long periods of time and when i do i end up in pain also when i go i only do a trickle.I have recently been back to the doctors and i am awaiting a reply on what they should do next.I cant hold down a job for the same reasons as you and cannot get any benefits for this as it is not recognised as a disability. Ive had 5 laperoscopys two hysterectomys and my pain has come back. I believe in America there is a treatment for adhesions they put some kind of spray on the scarring , i dont know if its any good though.Ihope this has helped you , please dont take no for an answer as i struggled for 9 years before anything was done.And remember YOU KNOW YOUR OWN BODY BEST

Dec 23, 2011
Right pelvic pain - adhesions?
by: kdaymayday

OMG - I've had this for 12 years and thought I was just going crazy. No one can tell me what it is. Even the gastric colonoscopy doctor said there is nothing we can do. I too am wakened in the night with this burning in my right side. It starts where the ovary might be and then it feels like lit dynomite wire traveling down my legs - pain and sparking/burning. It wakes me up several times a night. I also have it whenever I am scared or startled. So they thought it might be stress in the colon...hence the colonoscopy. trans vag ultrasound reveals nothing. It is right where the small intestine go into the large intestine and over the right ovary.

I think after all the testing, it might be adhesions from 4 c sections and as I am 58, just not sure how to proceed. Now I find out that I have a 5mm thickness in the endometrium and am set for a biopsy of that.

Any ideas people - everyone else is stumped.

Mar 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have a similar situation! I am 51, have two children and also have had a 4 laporoscopies since I was 19 (cyst on ovary, tubal ligation, partial hysterectomy, then R oopherectomy)... Needless to say about 2 months ago I developed awful pain in my left pelvic region... Was sent for vaginal ultra sound and CT of pelvis... Both were normal (no cyst or endometriosis)!! My GYN wants me to have a colonoscopy, she said sometimes it will break loose the adhesions and or kink/twist in bowel... I am in the process of scheduling this appt... If this doesn't work, the only solution is another laporoscopic procedure to cut away/remove adhesions however my Internist told me that when you do this procedure the adhesions usually come back and are worse! I definitely feel your pain and am somewhat glad I am not the only one going through this... Just like you, standing is the only time it doesn't hurt but then it eventually will if I stand too long.... Keep me posted on your outcome if you don't mind... Thank you!

Feb 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hi have you tried acupunture n herbal treatments.

Jan 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

sounds like adhesions are your problem. I gave up on doctors in the usa and went to germany. there is a doctor by the name of daniel kruchinski who took care of the problem I had with adhesions. I had been inable to work before going to him and now I am working again. there are negative postings about him on the internet by some loon who hates him, but he has helped a ton of people with the problem of adhesions where doctors in the usa really dont have an answer. hope you can get well!

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